Sunday, February 19, 2012

I dreamed a parable of my life in Christ.

When I first became aware of my surroundings, I was standing on the second deck of a huge aircraft, soaring into the heavens. Unlike any aircraft I was aware of, this one had a huge bank of windows across the bow that allowed you to look forward over the nose of the aircraft and to the skies beyond. As I turned from the breathtaking view through these windows, I was startled by a certain “knowing” that this was my aircraft—It belonged to me. How could this be? I wondered.

Walking through the plane with this strange sense of ownership, I discovered beautiful, elegantly furnished rooms throughout the aircraft where people were engaged in various activities. There was a dining room, a computer room, a library, and what appeared to be a medical clinic. I descended the spacious, spiral staircase to explore the lower deck. There I discovered a playroom for children and another furnished with comfortable recliners. There was also a chapel here, inviting with its soft music playing and beautiful replicas of stained glass windows seen through a gentle glow of light.

As I checked out each room, people greeted me as if they recognized that I was “in charge”. I was in awe, not only because of what I was seeing, but also because of the growing conviction that this amazing aircraft belonged to me. During my “discovery” tour, the aircraft landed and took off several times, each time taking my breath in its display of power that took us soaring into the heavens. When we landed, some people would deplane while others boarded.

During one such landing, I decided to find out who was piloting this extraordinary aircraft that was evidently mine. I walked forward to the open cockpit and, standing behind the pilot’s seat, I saw no one occupying that strategic position. I turned to look  out the window and saw an airport official glaring at me. In a surly, challenging voice he radioed in: “Who do you think you are? You can’t fly this aircraft! You couldn’t even back it onto the tarmac!” Incensed, and armed with my new sense of ownership and authority, I reacted to the taunt by “taking the controls”, determined to prove I could do just that.

In the dream, though I experienced all that emotion, I saw a “man” take the controls and begin backing up the aircraft. As he did, sure enough, we started to tilt to the left side. Still clutching the back of the pilot’s seat, I heard a terrible, grinding, crashing sound as we began to roll to the left. I saw and felt dirt began to mix with the crumbling body of this magnificent aircraft….and I awoke abruptly.

Sensing that this was a spiritual dream, I asked the Lord what it meant. First, I wanted to know why I had been given a 747 aircraft. In my spirit I heard, “No, an Air Bus.” I immediately thought, so this is a spiritual dream.  Totally unfamiliar with the term “Air Bus”, I went to my computer and googled it. To my amazement, I retrieved beautiful photos of a corporate A380 Air Bus, complete with two decks and configured with elegantly furnished rooms, much as I had seen in the dream. I cannot describe my surprise, since I had no idea such an aircraft existed.

Listening intently now, I heard the Lord say, “Your Air Bus is a parable of your life in Christ. You may call it “Charity.” I began to understand that the love of God would enable me to rise above my circumstances and soar in the heavens in  Christ, lifting myself as well as others out of the limiting and sometimes destructive circumstances of earth. I remembered the scriptures that declare:

For He (Christ) raised us from the dead along with Christ, and we are seated with him in the heavenly realms—all because we are one with Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:6NLT

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God’s right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts.
Colossians 3:1-2NLT

For months I had been praying the prayers of the psalmist for God’s divine “lifting up” above my enemies to walk in newness of life (Ps. 27:5-6, Ps. 30:1-3). As I continued to pray about this dramatic dream, I understood that the power of God’s love would lift me out of my narrow, hurtful circumstances supernaturally, safely, enabling me to soar through the heavens and fulfill God’s purposes for my life.
Then He said, “My divine love flowing through you will enable you to rescue people and help them to fulfill their destiny.” I understood that soaring in the heavens involved realizing the mystery of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

As I contemplated this new sense of spiritual reality and authority in Christ, suddenly I remembered the crash at the end of the dream that had awakened me. I asked with some angst: “What made my Air Bus crash? How is that even possible if it represents Your divine love? And who was the man in the cockpit that took control?

His answer was profound in its simplicity. “That man in the cockpit was your ‘natural man’ who determined to vindicate you in the face of ridicule. That taunting airport official is right: You cannot fly “Charity” in your natural ability or strength. Remember, “Without Me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5).

During the months since being given this dream, which I understand as a modern parable for life in Christ, it has had a dramatic effect on my prayer life and my relationships with people. Aware of the supernatural mission of “Charity”, my life in Christ, I see people with new eyes and respond to them differently. Sometimes through prayer, sometimes in an act of kindness or with a simple smile, I welcome them “aboard” to experience Christ’s love flowing through me.

I picture some of them being carried to the room that offers “medical” treatment for deep wounds to their body, soul and spirit; others to the chapel where they receive the divine comfort they need; still others to the computer room for delightful biblical studies that bring revelation to their souls.

It is perhaps the children who fill me with greatest tenderness as I see some, so young and innocent, abused by parents and others, whose faces light up as they enter the playroom just for them; then they throw themselves into my arms, seemingly saying thank you for the love and security they feel at last. Some older people just need to enjoy the comfort of being with someone who loves them, to talk and laugh—and remember. And there are those who desperately need someone to fulfill the biblical injunction to “look after each other so that none of you will miss out on the special favor of God” (Heb. 12:15NLT). I revel in Christ’s love as I watch with what great tenderness He rescues every person, young and old, from hurtful, sometimes devastating situations.

Since the dream, I have studied every verse of scripture that contains the phrase “in Christ” as well as others that relate to this liberating and empowering spiritual reality. I have also become more aware of the danger of giving in to my “natural man” that does not exhibit the love of Christ. As I study the biblical exhortations to “put off the old man” (Eph. 4:22), my eyes have been opened to ways in which I can be free from its effects and keep from “crashing” the beautiful aircraft I have been given that allows the love of God to flow through my life.

In this devotional journey, I want to share with you in subsequent blog posts my study of some of the heavenly promises that offer all believers a wonderful “lifting up” to soar over life's problems. As we learn to take our rightful position “in Christ” we can experience new realms of the divine love of Christ for ourselves as well as for others and enter into the mystery of “Christ in you, the hope of glory”.

I welcome your responses as we enjoy the journey together. Blessings.

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